Meeting Fee is used by Peter Oakes (Web / LinkedIN) for payment of non advice consultation meetings
The prices on this website are exclusive discounted fees otherwise charged by Peter Oakes and available through this website only. The discounted fees are for introductory calls only and not applicable with respect to work performed for a client which are charged at higher rates. All prices appearing on this website are exclusive of the applicable rate of VAT. Your payment will be processed by PAYPAL via its website. VAT receipts will be issued upon request. Once a telephone or face-to-face meeting attendance is booked, payment for services is due and payable and there is no refund. However if you cannot attend an arranged meeting, Peter Oakes will re-arrange a time to accommodate you. Venue: All meetings will be held in at a Dublin central city location, or London central city location (if necessary) or telephone. Meetings in London are scheduled on a weekly basis. |